Saturday, January 14, 2012

Homemade baby food take 2...

Here I am trying again (and will try again till I get it right).

My first challenge was the steaming.
My first attempt was on the stove with a calender and pan
(didn't work)
Then I tried freezer bag with a couple tbls of water
(yay!! worked)

After all that I was finally able to puree the peas resulting in gorgeous meals for my monkey

3 cups of peas yields 10 dinners

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homemade baby food fail...

Thanks to my mother I received a baby bullet for Christmas.
Something I was extremely excited about because I wanted to do homemade food for my monkey as I did for the beaners.
Mind you Lyss was born in Dec so she was ready for solids in the summer when everything was in season.
Lukas, not so much :(

I had started him on solids when he was 4 1/2 month (such a piggy he was/is)
and at that time I didn't have said bullet so I bought Gerber.
The night before last I had finally finished the pre packaged food I bought and was excited to start my own.
Because it is the middle of Jan I thought "Hey! Why not use canned?"


Come to find out all the nutrients in the veggies are almost non existent while the canning process happens and what little is left seeps out in whatever juices they pack it with. Then the worst news of all, cans have liners with BPA in them!!!!

Can we say worst mother in the world right here?
*points to self*
Now I have all these canned veggies and nothing to do with them!

commercial baby food: 1
homemade baby food: 0

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

xbox hater for life

I have no words to describe how angry I get over such a stupid box!
Sometimes I wonder what my life marriage would be like without one.
every night I get to sit and watch the back of my husbands head for hours, until I finally give up and go to bed alone.
I sometimes wished I had a voice when it comes to things like this.


I never really thought I was ever going to do a blog.
One because I don't think anyone cares
Two, I'm not all that intelligent
three, I never have anything cool, funny, or amazing to say.

Well to tell you the honest truth.
The only reason I'm doing it is to blow off some steam.....
I might even throw in a funny story or two.