Monday, February 6, 2012

How smart are they really....

The past couple of months have been hell in the baby department!
Lukas started teething around Christmas and he was totally fine! No fussing, screaming, or feeding issues! Yay Lukas! Until the first week of Jan when he ended up getting an ear infection.

Insert fussy child here.

Went on antibiotics and all was well again

Ball drops

Feb 2 finds us with another ear infection. Another round of drugs. Since then he has been screaming nonstop, he won't sleep during the day, he doesn't eat full meal but snacks every 90 mins.
At night I will usually feed him between 7-7:30 and put him down around 8. He did ok until this all started, now he lays in bed screaming until his cries turn into hunger cries and I go up tofeed him.

I'm sitting here listening to him cry and am wondering to myself, is he doing this on purpose? I know he's not in pain as I just dosed him up with pain meds an hr ago. I bet he is crying just to keep himself awake because he knows eventually I will go in there to feed him.

This is what he did last night until 1am when I finally went and fed him and he instantly fell asleep and stayed that way until 7am.

At 7 months old Lukas is definitely no dummy! This is just one of the few things he does that makes me wonder, do they really know what they're doing? They are not the blubbering idiots most people think babies are!

I have my work cut out for me with this one and I'm looking forward to every moment of it!

1 comment:

  1. The little buggers learn fast don't they?! I'm sorry to hear hes been sick though. Poor baby...
